I always tell people that my life both ended and
began with children. I am the mother of two boys (aside from Sam), Logan who is four and
Aiden who is18 months. Before the boys, my husband and I lead a life of
leisure filled with ski vacations and road trips galore. We had a busy
social calendar that kept us out late at night and always on the go. I
ran a retirement day program for adults with developmental disabilities and
found this job immensely satisfying. Despite this, after Aiden was born I
resigned to stay at home with the boys during the day and work nights.
While having children might have ended my life of recreation filled
vacations and late nights it enabled me to experience a deeper love for life
through my children. It allowed me to follow the dream of going back to
school and it offered me the opportunity to experience joy on an entirely new
level. While my life might have been good before, it is wonderful now.