Wednesday, February 11, 2009

All those good parents

I'm starting to think that this whole parenting thing is much harder than my friends and family have made it out to be. I thought that everything would be easier but I find myself grappling for a bit of balance. It's like I'm walking on a tightrope and I have no understanding of how to do it. I have no privacy, no knowledge of where Logan starts and I end. I have time to myself almost never- now not even the bathroom is a place of refuge. I need to figure out how to have time to myself and feel as if I have enough time for my family too, not even to mention my friends. I want so badly to be a stay at home mom these days because there simply is no time. I use to spend hours reading to drinking beer at the Replay or walking the dogs and now I'm lucky if I can find time to read my email. I'm such a pain because I want it both ways. I want to be with Logan, I want date nights with Nick and I want my own time too. I guess most of all I want to figure out how all those moms do it. How to they have their own life and be good parents too?