Thursday, May 1, 2008

Good Cop, Bad Cop

Yesterday Nick and I played good cop bad cop. Not in a bedroom banter sort of way but with the man we had hired to regrade the yard who appeared on our doorstep about 42 hours after he had told me he would arrive. I knew it was him when the doorbell rang because not three hours before I had come home from work to find a new tractor [by new tractor I mean not one of the two tractors that had been sitting in our yard for the last month] in our yard, running and keys in the ignition, but no yard man around. Nick was kind enough to go outside and talk to him and I stayed inside and thought evil thoughts. Nick was nice to him whereas the last time I talked to him and he tried to small talk with me I said "I don't want to talk to you about that, I just want you to finish the damn yard."
Today I am proud to announce that we finally have our yard regraded. Maybe next week I'll venture into the basement.