Thursday, June 4, 2009

And the first assignement is due

School started this week and I'm proud to say that while the first assignement was due last night at midnight I had it in by 10:07. Considering Logan is walking, my brother just moved in, and we spent the last three days trying to get the rental fixed up I'm doing well.


Houdini. He was a escape artist, right? Sometimes I wish I was too.

Cults and such

Between Amberlee's Nate and Uncle Jim there is a lot of cult stuff going on. I'm not sure whose side story is more interesting: the one who lived in the cult as a child and ended up mostly almost all the way normal or the one who grew up in a relatively normal home as a child and now is in the cult like religion.

Either way, I want to know more about both of their inner-workings and about both of them but am not sure where to start. Jim is a bit tight-lipped about his church knowing that Grandma disapproves and Nate will only talk about it after a few drinks and then a few more. I just don't have the energy to get the information but still crave the info on the crazies.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Basement, for reals ya alls

It is dry. It has been raining for 2 days and the basement is dry.